K-8 application

Light of the World Academy accepts students from kindergarten through eighth grade. To apply for enrollment, please print and submit an application form as well as all supporting printable forms found at the side of this page. 

Important Policies

Please note the following important school policies. You can find more school policies under the Printable Forms section on this page. Every student must have a signed policies form on file.

Health Policy

  • Parents and guardians, please provide a record of all food allergies your child may have.
  • If your child receives regular medication or requires an Epipen, parents must provide the office staff with a current, signed permission slip.

Discipline Policy

  • We use only positive means of behavior direction with any child in attendance. We use time-outs not as a punishment but as an opportunity for a child to regain self-control.
  • Negative methods of behavior control are never used in our school. Negative methods specifically prohibited are spanking, hitting, shaking, slapping or restricting movement, shaming, or threatening.
  • If a teacher cannot help a child correct negative behavior, the director will call a conference with parents to work out a method to best help the child. If the plan of action fails to correct the child’s negative behavior and it’s having an irreversible, negative impact on the staff and other students, the director has the discretion to suspend or terminate the student’s enrollment.
  • Light of the World Academy keeps a complete list of references on file to help with special needs and behavioral issues. We are happy to assist in providing these references at a parent’s request.